

Happy New Year!!!Everyone!!!!!
I'm sorry for late in  uploading my blog.Because I visited Korea with my family at the end of 2012 and I had so many tests in my univ. But my spring vacation started from today! I'm so happy.hehe
2012, I could have very precious experiences and meet very nice friends. The best memory  of 2012 is going to Boston. This was the first time to go abroad, so I was very nervous but my friends in the language school were everyone so kind and very cheerful. And I could go to NY.This was my dream.Anyway  I was happy I could speak English.
On the other hand,I had also  a painful experience. It sometimes makes me sad but I think I have to go out of it.
2013 I'm gonna start new thing for my dream so I wanna push my way to it. Moreover I wanna try to anything and expect a wonderful encounter.....

I wanna give a big thanks to everyone who had read my blog.
I hope that everyone had great New Year 2013.





If you wanna look my pictures more, please check my Facebook page!