

I went to Boston to study English for two weeks and NY in the first weekend with my friend. The first day, we arrived in NY at 9 pm and went to The Empire State, had the dinner...then we tried to go to the hostel but we got lost, after all we arrived at 3am...so the day was very hard. But NY was very stimulative for me !!! People are very fashionable and cool. NY was bustling all day...even night! It is real that NY never sleeps haha. When we dropped in the secondhand clothes shop, we met Japanese who run the shop. They told us that they came to NY two years ago, then opened the shop this year. What start something in a strange place will be  needed courage, power of action....etc. So I respect them and their way of life:)) A meeting like this is the real true of travel !!! Anyway I wanna visit NY again in my life.


 Empire state of mind (Jay-Z e Alicia Keys) /glee ver.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Wow these are cool celebrities and really

    awesome and sexy blog you have created good

    job. I was wondering about veronica hearst she is also a cool

    model in her old ages as

  2. Great photos from NY! I´ve never been there, but it´s my biggest wish :)

    Maybe we could follow each other´s blog with GFC and Facebook?
